• One app for all your databases

    No other product has AQT's degree of multi-database support. Configured individually for over 25 different database types, AQT is a specialized product for every database. One tool, one price, for all your databases. In addition, AQT has excellent cross-database features. Load data from Oracle into DB2 z/OS! Compare tables between Sybase and MySQL!

  • Simple and easy to use

    AQT has a simple clean and intuitive interface. Novices find AQT easy to learn; experts enjoy the unprecedented visibility of their databases. Sites with multiple databases appreciate having a single interface for all their databases.

  • Feature Rich

    AQT is packed full of features. AQT will make your life easier no matter whether you are developing reports, managing your database farm, writing stored procedures, loading test data or migrating data between systems. Why have multiple tools, when one can do it all?

  • Mature, stable and real-world tested

    In use since 1999 and with tens of thousands of licenses sold in over 70 countries, AQT is a solidly proven product. Our customers vary from individuals with a handful of tables to large enterprises with hundreds of thousands of tables. AQT works.

Sql Query Tool


Mysql Query Tool

Create Queries Easily. Want to query your data but don’t know SQL? Our powerful Query Builder tool can help you to build even complex queries visually via drag-and-drop without typing a line of code. It allows you to focus on data you want to get, automating the query generation. Mini SQL Query is a query tool that makes use of any available.NET DB Provider on your system. It aims to satisfy the most common tasks what the average user seeks to achieve, in doing so it keeps the size and complexity of the application to a minimum. DbForge Query Builder for MySQL is a visual tool for quick quick queries creation and extended data management. With the help of this tool developers can effortlessly create and edit any complex queries in just several clicks. The main component of Query Builder is a visual diagram where one can 'draw' a query instead of writing code manually. Download ODBC Query Tool for free. A Windows application for connecting to and working with several different database systems, ranging from Microsoft Access to MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, SQLite and more, using ODBC drivers. Written in PowerBASIC for Windows 9.