To use Mathematica’s built-in GPU computing capabilities, you’ll need a dual-precision graphics card that supports OpenCL or CUDA, such as many cards from NVIDIA, AMD and others. For system requirements for Mathematica 10 through 12.1, go to the Wolfram Product System Requirements page.

  • Wolfram Community forum discussion about Problem after installation of Mathematica 12.1 on Windows 10. Stay on top of important topics and build connections by joining Wolfram Community groups relevant to your interests.
  • Wolfram Mathematica 11.2. Wolfram Mathematica 11.0.1. Mathematica is a technical computing software package. It has nearly 5000 built-in functions covering various areas of technical computing; all of them are carefully integrated so that they work perfectly together. It uses the Wolfram Language for writing code.
  • Compute the boundary, connected components and other topological properties of solution sets for real polynomial systems. »
  • Express large systems naturally and succinctly using vector and matrix variables. »
  • Efficiently solve large systems of equations and inequalities with special structure. »
  • Solve previously intractable classes of equation and inequality systems. »
  • Formulate optimization problems in a more concise and natural way using vector and matrix variables. »
  • Solve new classes of exact optimization problems. »
  • Solve equations 'step by step' using new functions to add, multiply and otherwise combine equations and inequalities. »
  • Produce automatic proofs of equational logic theorems. »
  • Prove theorems using a built-in collection of axiomatic theories. »
  • Present proofs in various formats, including graphs, datasets and notebooks. »

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